Suzanne Lyons

Suzanne is a doctoral fellow in NYU’s Higher & Postsecondary Education program and program associate at the Steinhardt Institute for Higher Education Policy. As a first-generation, low-income college graduate, Suzanne has dedicated her career to focusing on policies, programs, and multi-sector partnerships across the K-20 pipeline that support college access and success. She has over 15 years of experience as a practitioner in K-12, public & private colleges, & national non-profits, including work with The Posse Foundation, TRIO and Promise programs. Most recently, she has led private and federal grants geared toward systems-level change to improve student outcomes in high schools and at Hispanic-serving community colleges.

Suzanne currently supports Phase Two's national research on transformative, equity-forward developmental placement approaches as well as our Holistic Student Support Implementation Network in California. She holds her Bachelor’s in Psychology & Spanish from the University of Notre Dame, her Master’s in Social Work from the University of Pennsylvania, and her Ph.D. in Higher & Postsecondary Education from NYU's Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development.